How to treat acne scars, restore smooth skin, say goodbye to acne scars

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     How to treat acne scars When your face has acne scars, how to fix them? Let’s see what causes acne scars, along with recommendations for self-treatment of acne, including medical innovations that will restore confidence to beautiful, smooth skin.

How to treat acne scars, restore smooth skin, say goodbye to acne scars

What causes acne scars? People with inflammatory acne will have both bacteria and pus inside. Our skin therefore creates a self-healing process by secreting the enzyme Collagenase to break down collagen and surrounding tissue, causing the skin to sink in. The body then creates new scar tissue to pull it back. The sunken skin layer becomes acne pits. In addition, some people have the habit of picking or squeezing their acne. This way, they will definitely not be able to avoid acne pits. In addition, people who have a genetic predisposition to acne and severe acne pits are more likely to have acne pits than the general population.

Acne scars can be divided into 3 levels of severity as follows:

          1. Rolling Scar is a general level of depth. The width of the opening of the pit is about 1-4 millimeters. The shallow pit is just a concave depression of about 0.1-0.5 millimeters, taking up only a small amount of skin area. This level of acne scar is caused by picking at acne at a level that is not very deep. It can be treated easier than other levels.

          2. Box Scar is a moderate level of severity. The width of the scar is about 4-5 millimeters. It is only as deep as the skin layer, not deep enough to reach the pores. If taken care of properly, the skin can return to being smooth.

          3. Ice Pick Scar is the most severe level. It has a narrow opening of about 2 millimeters. The hole is very deep, so it is difficult to treat and takes a long time to fully restore the โปรโมชั่น ufabet skin. The treatment can only help make the acne scar shallower.

How to treat acne scars. If you have acne scars, don’t worry because there are many ways to treat acne scars these days, whether it’s treating acne scars yourself or relying on medical technology to restore your face to smoothness again. What are the methods? Let’s take a look.

1. Natural ways to treat acne scars

          For those who have acne scars on their face but are not ready or not comfortable with medical treatment because it can be expensive, there are still natural ways to treat acne scars using ingredients that are easy to find in the kitchen, such as herbs such as Gotu Kola, Aloe Vera, Coconut Oil, which help heal wounds and stimulate 

collagen production , or use fruit acids such as shallots, lime, ripe papaya to solve the problem of acne scars as well.

5 Natural Ways to Treat Acne Scars: Simple but Effective

2. Acne scar treatment medicine

          Drug treatment can be divided into topical and oral medications. Suitable for treating shallow pits, which are usually general pits.

  • There are many types of topical medications used to make the skin shallower, such as vitamin A acid, Retin A, TCA, AHA, BHA, PHA, which have the effect of helping to remove the top layer of skin cells and repair the acne scars to look shallower. Or choose to use skin care products that contain vitamins A, E, and BHA, which can also help stimulate skin cells. The advantage of using these topical medications is that they help reduce redness and dark spots. The disadvantage is that if high concentrations are used, it can cause irritation, burning, redness, itching, or white spots.
  • Retinoids , a vitamin A derivative, can help stimulate collagen production to create new skin to fill in the craters and also help control oiliness. However, since this type of drug affects fat throughout the body, it can cause dry eyes, dry skin, and dry mouth during use. Therefore, it is necessary to use under the supervision of a doctor. Do not buy and take it yourself.

3. Treat permanent acne scars with medical equipment.

          This method is suitable for those who have very large acne scars that topical and oral medications cannot help. It must be under the care of a dermatologist, along with topical medications and nourishing creams. The main innovations in acne scar treatment are as follows:

  • Lasers include Fractional CO2, Fraxel, Fine scan, and Fotona by grinding the top layer of skin to be smooth and stimulating collagen to make the wound fuller. They are suitable for acne scars with clear edges, a sunken appearance, or in groups with large pores. To get clear results, treatments should be done about 3-5 times, every 4-6 weeks. After treatment, there will be thin scabs and redness, which will fall off on their own. However, during that time, you should avoid strong sunlight and apply sunscreen SPF more than 30 to protect the skin that is healing.
  • Radiofrequency (RF) is a group of innovations similar to lasers, which releases energy to create heat at the skin layer to stimulate the production of collagen at the lower skin layer. The advantages are that there are side effects such as redness and recovery time is shorter than with lasers, with the results of acne scar treatment not being much different.
  • Filler is an injection of a substance under acne scars. It helps to solve the problem of acne scars by making them shallower and returning them to be as close to our original skin as possible. It is suitable for those with acne scars of the Box Scar and Rolling Scar types that are large but not very deep. This method shows fast results, but it is not permanent because the filler will break down in 6-12 months.

4. Subcutaneous fibrosis removal

          Subcision is mostly used for rolling scars. It uses a small needle to break up the scar tissue under the wound to stimulate collagen production, making the acne scar shallower. There may be some bruising after the procedure, but it will disappear within 1 week and there will be no scars.

5. Acne scar surgery

          Acne scar surgery (Punch Excision) is suitable for people who have not seen results from other treatments or whose acne scars are not severe, but are deep and wide, and laser treatment alone is not good. The dermatologist will cut the acne scars and close them with small stitches. The stitches will then be removed in 5-7 days. The wounds will heal completely in 1 week. This only needs to be done once. After the wounds have healed completely, the deep, box-like acne scars will no longer be visible.

How to prevent acne scars

          The best way to prevent acne scars is to try not to get inflamed acne. If you do get acne like this, it is very important to treat it right away. Do not squeeze, pick, scratch, or scratch because your hands may contain more acne-causing bacteria. And do not forget that the larger the acne, the more likely it is to leave acne scars. You should also eat more vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water, avoid fried foods that are high in fat, choose non-comedogenic skin care products that moisturize the skin, and wash your face thoroughly to prevent clogged pores and inflamed acne.